British Railways Board HQ Retired Staff Association

All BRBHQ meetings are cancelled until further notice

The British Railways Board HQ Retired Staff Association was formed in 1984 to enable former BRB HQ staff to keep in touch and continue to enjoy the friendships they had formed at work. Current membership stands at almost 900 people.

The Association is affiliated to the BTPF and a careful watch is kept on railway pensions, travel facilities and general benefits available to pensioners.

The Association is run by a Committee of 7 officers and up to 9 other members; a number of other members also help to organise events and activities.

Meetings are held quarterly in central London and at most of these guest speakers are invited to give talks on a wide range of topics.

Throughout the year a variety of social and outdoor activities are arranged and these include visits to places of interest, guided walks, music concerts, holidays and an annual lunch. These activities are an important and popular benefit of membership.

A quarterly newsletter ‘Outboard’, is mailed to all members – this gives details of all activities, including minutes of meetings and forthcoming social events, and is particularly appreciated by members who cannot attend meetings.

To find out more, please contact us via Membership Enquiries.