Newcastle & Darlington Retired Rail Staff Branch

This Branch was formed from Newcastle Retired Rail Staff, an organisation for former staff of all grades who worked in the Railway Industry, and the former Darlington Branch, which merged with Newcastle in 2005.  Membership currently stands at about 120.

Weekly Meetings – Gateshead Bowling Green Club
The N&DRRS meet informally on Monday and Thursday mornings at the Gateshead Bowling Green Club, 10 Prince Consort Road, Gateshead NE8 1LS.  These meetings are of a social nature, where friends meet for a chat and a cup of tea or coffee.

Quarterly Meetings – Gateshead Bowling Green Club
As well as the weekly meetings, quarterly meetings are also held, where items of business are discussed, usually followed by a Guest Speaker.

Speakers may cover a wide range of topics.

How we are organised
N&DRRS is organised and controlled by a General Committee. The Annual General Meeting takes place in November.

A Newsletter, entitled “In Touch” is produced at least twice a year, in advance of the Quarterly Meetings. This is intended to help and inform those members who are unable to attend meetings so that they can keep abreast of events and happenings within the Branch.
View or download the latest Newsletter, Winter Edition 2024  Issue 127.

To find out more about N&DRRS, please contact us via Membership Enquiries.