York & District Branch


The York & District Railway Pensioners is a branch affiliated to the BTPF and has members in the York area as well as East, North and West Yorkshire together with former York staff who have moved away.

Current membership stands at about 200.

One meeting is held each year, the Annual General Meeting, in April at which we try to provide a relevant speaker. Attendance at the meeting varies between 35 and 50. In November a Newsletter is issued to all branch members.

The officers are:-

CHAIRMAN                               Mike Speagell   tel 01904 760807            m.speagell@btinternet.com

VICE-CHAIRMAN                      Brian Johnson   tel 01904 703257            b.johnson419@btinternet.com

SECRETARY                            Chris Willey       tel 01904 799208            c.willey187@btinternet.com

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY   Graham Parker tel 01904 798457            graham@parker4080.plus.com

We are always looking for new members and anyone interested should contact Graham.


The Annual General Meeting which was planned for 5 th May 2021has been cancelled due to the
COVID restrictions.

The date and venue of the Annual General Meeting for 2022 will be given in the Autumn Newsletter.

York Station

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